Reply to post: Re: We need a proper plan for the future and Windows 11 isn't it...

Windows XP@20: From the killer of ME to banging out patches for yet another vulnerability

Adair Silver badge

Re: We need a proper plan for the future and Windows 11 isn't it...

'...Windows may be the answer for some but it's still mostly on X86 architecture and is not really suitable for everyone and involves too many choices, most of which are not understood sufficiently (if at all) by the majority of ordinary (PCWorld type) users to be able to make any kind of decision let alone an informed one.'

The truth is that the statement above is true for anyone who belongs to the 'PCWorld type' groupset. The only proviso is 'which OS did they learn first'? - because sure as eggs are eggs they will expect and rely on anything else having to be the same. And even then it will be enough to know where the power switch is, and how to activate their goto apps.

These are people who have no interest in IT. For them a computer is an appliance - you turn it on, do what you do, then go and do other things. What goes on inside the box, or behind what appears on the screen might as well be magic. And they really don't care, and why should they. They probably have no idea what goes on under the bonnet of their car.

IT people of a certain bent may fret about which OS is 'best', for whatever value of 'best' is in question, but for the vast majority of people this isn't even a question. They know what they know. They don't know much, and when it comes to IT they want to know as little as possible. They just want the bloody thing to 'work' so they can do the things they are interested in doing/have to do: watching cat videos, sharing narcissistic poses of the lives they aren't living, writing scorching tweets, sending the whole office a foul mouthed rant about the boss they never intended to send to anyone, and writing entropic presentations that cause people to lose the will to live.

Bring back the CLI!

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