Reply to post: We need a proper plan for the future and Windows 11 isn't it...

Windows XP@20: From the killer of ME to banging out patches for yet another vulnerability


We need a proper plan for the future and Windows 11 isn't it...

Windows 2000 was the peak of NT4, after that the crud of Win95 and consumer support for all stuff no one uses but needs to be in there just in case started the overwhelming slide in to resorce races, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 all are just build on the shoulders of bad design and bad ideas that do nothing to really fix the underlying problems. Windows 10 did at least do some major clean up of the OS but then brought its own rubbish in an effort to keep up with Apple and Google tracking and monitoring.

It would be nice to have proper 64 bit processors and proper 64 bit (only) OS to go on it with out all that legacy support cruft dragging it down. Apple have manged it with Mac OSX all be it with a smaller user base.

One of the many flavours of Linux may be the answer for some but it's still mostly on X86 architecture and is not really suitable for everyone and involves too many choices, most of which are not understood sufficiently (if at all) by the majority of ordinary (PCWorld type) users to be able to make any kind of decision let alone an informed one.

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