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IBM US staff must be fully vaccinated by December – or go back to bed without pay

Roland6 Silver badge

Because of the scale and speed of vaccination and the reporting of possible side effects, for probably the first time in human history we have some of the safest vaccines around. So the connection between AZ and the known to be rare blood clots was established within weeks and mitigated, rather than years. Yes this was only 4~6 deaths per million, however medical science has been able to move rapidly and select other vaccines for high risk groups.

However, for the nutters and parts of the media the perception is the risk of actually having a side effect from a vaccine is much higher than the risk of contracting CoViD - which as we know is just a mild dose of flu... I think there is probably sufficient data to show there is a significant statistical connection between being an anti-vac and having a higher risk of dying from CoViD19.

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