Reply to post: I'm puzzled.......

Reg scribe spends week being watched by government Bluetooth wristband, emerges to more surveillance

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I'm puzzled.......

.......if you carry a mobile phone, you are already being tracked. If you use your credit card, you are already being tracked. In many public places, CCTV is already tracking you. If you log in to FB, you are already being tracked.


Oh.....and there's the distinct possibility that someone out there is correlating all of the above.


So why would the Singapore authorities even need to give you a "government tracking device"?


Well....there's a clue buried in this report: quote: "Singapore also wanted access to photos, media, and files".


So...........the "government tracking device" is just an (expensive) piece of misdirection. They already know where you are (see above), but they need to know MORE.


Welcome to the future!!!!

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