Reply to post: Re: Evolved homo-superior

Space boffins: Exoplanet survived hydrogen-death of its host star

CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

Re: Evolved homo-superior

I go to the store. My cat plays with her toys, sleeps, and pesters me for food

Now scale that up with an extra 5 cats.. Although, my lot are pretty good at not demanding *too* much of my time as long as appropriate respect[1] has been paid to their whims.

(used to be 7 cats. Sadly, the airhead one, having already been rebuilt with a pelvis held together with titanium after one cat/car interaction, decided to have another one. Sadly, this time it was the head end..)

[1] Particularly in the form of cat treats. Great for socialising cats as they come into the household but it does doom you to maintaining the treat routine for the rest of time.

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