Reply to post: Re: It will take a while

The planet survived six hours without Facebook. Let's make it longer next time

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: It will take a while

"these would have had their own website and email list, or used something fairly non-offensive like a Yahoo group to communicate. Now they just have a Facebook page."

I can't recall Yahoo Groups ever closing a group for political reasons. If you happen to be in a FB group that collects shiny beads and next week shiny beads are said to be exclusionary, anti-LGBTQXY and racist because "people of color" rarely collect them, FB might shut the group down and put a black mark on everybody's account that participated. The business that sells shiny beads that started the group to help draw in customers will also be made to look like bad people and their main marketing channel is gone along with the bulk of their sales.

If a business is using a walled garden, they have to understand the huge risk they are taking if they rely on it too much. Amazon shuts down vendors for all sorts of reasons. One reason that they vigorously deny, so it's probably correct, is when Amazon decides there is much profit to be made by selling an item themselves that they can have knocked off cheap in China. If the seller is only selling this product on Amazon, their business is shut down with no notice, any cloud based entertainment they have purchased is shut off and any money due them will be processed rather slowly along with any merchandise sent to Amazon for warehousing.

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