Reply to post: Re: Tesco

Apple warns sideloading iOS apps will ruin everything

Cederic Silver badge

Re: Tesco

Sorry, what's creepy about tracking your customers' preferred means of accessing a service you're offering?

At a population level, if nobody uses the keyfob because they're using the card or phone instead, you can discontinue the keyfobs. At an individual level, if someone's using the card or keyfob and never use a digital device, don't send them SMS offers, post them instead.

While the totality of their data slurp is (from one perspective) creepy, that specific part makes a lot of sense.

That you choose to support them demonstrates that you recognise that your personal data has value. You're exchanging it in return for cheaper shopping and that's a conscious choice you've made. I fail to see how accusing them (let alone the person to whom you replied) of creepiness is justified when you're the one choosing to give them your data in exchange for financial benefit.

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