Reply to post: Desnapify ubuntu

Ubuntu 21.10 brings GNOME 40 debut and a focus on devs


Desnapify ubuntu

For what it's worth, here's how to get rid of snap on a fresh install (tested on 20.04, will be curious to see if it gets harder on 22.04..)

sudo snap remove snap-store

sudo snap remove gtk-common-themes

sudo snap remove gnome-3-34-1804

sudo snap remove core18


# look for line ending /snap/snapd/[some number] (may be /snap/core/[somenumber]

sudo unmount /snap/snapd/[some number] # or sudo unmount /snap/core/[somenumber]

sudo apt purge snapd

sudo apt-mark hold snapd # prevents it being reinstalled as a dependency, will prevent installs of things only available as snaps

rm -rf ~/snap

sudo rm -rf /snap

sudo rm -rf /var/snap

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/snapd

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