Reply to post: Re: Hmm

Electric car makers ready to jump into battery recycling amid stuttering supply chains


Re: Hmm

For the home chargers bit.

The new rules simply state that new chargers (from May 2022) must be 'smart', programmable, and come with a pre-set by default programme that implements restricted usage during peak times (defined as 8am to 11am and 4pm to 10pm).

But, the EV owner can simply override this when needed as a one off, or just change the programme if it doesn't fit with their usage pattern.

They are basically just trying to encourage users to use off-peak charging instead.

I suspect many EV owners, especially higher mileage ones, would be better switching to a flexible tariff, with cheap overnight electricity and try to only charge overnight. But those also increase day rates, so a bit of cost/benefit analysis would be needed to see if it would actually help.

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