Reply to post: Re: Why is this even a thing in the first place?

Schools email marketing company told us to go away when we told them of exposed database creds, say infoseccers

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Why is this even a thing in the first place?

It sounds like marketing to schools in this case.

But there is school marketing too.

Competition. It's the Policy. Set schools against one another. And schools know full well that there is a spiral involved. I have two local schools federated. One is seen as the good school and gets the middle class families as their first choice. One gets all the needy families, the ones that couldn't/didn't try to get a place in the middle class school. They're with a 5 minute walk of each other, have the same management team etc etc.

Reputation is everything. Local estate agents only refer to one of these schools.

And when rolls start to fall, which schools' staff's jobs are in jeopardy? And which staff group have the tougher jobs with the highest skills?

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