Reply to post: Re: Hah! New keyboard required!

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Joe W Silver badge

Re: Hah! New keyboard required!

At least that stuff is soft (if it is what is called ytong here, a quite porous concrete based building block). Redoing a house atm, my Boschhammer is my new best toy. (yeah, the certified electrician will connect the stuff, the wife insisted). Network[*] is my job though, and I need to chisel out a channel (well, two, two storeys each plus a bit, plus three floors / ceilings) through some cs bricks for that. This is not much fun after the first few feet...

[*] if the last months have taught me one thing, it is that wifi absolutely sucks, as the neighbours are too stupid to be allowed to configure it. Everybody cranks up the power to maximum, and in a densely populated neghbourhood this is madness, like a whole kindergarten shouting at each other in a gym. So none of us has great (or even "good", nor "reliable") wifi.

I'll put two network sockets into each bedroom. Some rooms will have a third (not yet connected) cable, some have a reasonably straight path to the basement so I can add some wiring later on.

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