Reply to post: There's an easy solution to that

IBM US staff must be fully vaccinated by December – or go back to bed without pay

DS999 Silver badge

There's an easy solution to that

It has already been proven those covid deaths weren't fabricated by looking at excess deaths when compared to previous years. Turns out the covid death count (in the US at least) has been understated - probably by states like Florida where they were caught "adjusting" cause of death after the fact to try to hide how hard the state was being hit.

You could do the same with VAERS, and compare deaths in those who have and have not been vaccinated. You would need to adjust your samples for stuff like age and overall health since older or less healthy people have been more likely to get vaccinated than the young and healthy. I haven't seen any such study but I have to think they have been done.

The problem of course is that you'd have much higher deaths in the unvaccinated, because they are much more likely to die from covid, so I'm not sure it would act as proof that "death by vaccination" is almost non-existent. But it would clearly show that even to the extent one may be concerned about that, your odds of dying are still much higher if you don't get the shot.

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