Reply to post: Whenever

BOFH: You. Wouldn't. Put. A. Test. Machine. Into. Production. Without. Telling. Us.

Boris the Cockroach Silver badge


I see the mangler, and hear the word 'test' I know its time to make myself scarce..... "just repairing this hose" I cry out from my position under robot #4 knowing full well no one can see what I'm really doing (browsing el-reg on my phone) and waiting patiently until the mangler gets bored and wanders off to bother someone else.

Why do I adopt this cynical attitude? because too many times said mangler has read/been given something new and whizzy that will make things 10 times faster at 1/2 the price(according to the salesman who actually getting desperate to shift the things before they ruin his monthly sales target),and I spend a good hour making the adjustments before finding out exactly why the tools are so difficult to shift (especially when broken and jammed in a robots grippers).....

Which leads me on to the main theme of my arguement... a thor #2 copper/hide mallet.... when its in my hand and I'm about to argue with said mangler/salesman.....

Wheres the mallet icon?

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