Reply to post: Ah, yes.

BOFH: You. Wouldn't. Put. A. Test. Machine. Into. Production. Without. Telling. Us.

TeeCee Gold badge

Ah, yes.

ProductionTest Servers.

I recall a long-running project finally coming to fruition. Many, many hours had been invested in test, migrating data from the old, production, system and then with the users filling in the gaps in the new, more puissant database.

Then into testing, fixing, parallel running, yadda, yadda, you get the picture.

Come the completion of this herculean effort, it was all deemed ready for live. Now there's only one of this thing, so there's no benefit whatsoever in doing a clean install to a new, production server. The test server is entirely adequate for the production tasks and so it is decided to put the test server live.

Huge success, trebles all round and party into the night.

Then the project close process runs and the Data Centre decommissions the project's allocated test servers.....(!) Oops.

What's the other big difference between a production and test server? Production servers have a backup schedule....(!!) Double oops and now they're fucked.

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