Reply to post: Re: Why now

Cheeky chappy rides horse around London filling station, singing: 'I don't need petrol 'cos he runs on carrots'

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Why now

"But is relying on constant stream of cheap and willing workforce from abroad is a sustainable solution?"

Of course not - and the supply was already drying up as more and more Romanian/Bulgarian drovers realised thery could make better money at home. British pay/conditions are the worst in Europe - and then there's the appalling lack of accomodation and sky high parking charges in motorway truck stops which other EU countries don't do - basically a perfect storm brewing and then Brexit was the icing on the cake

Brexit sisn't just exacerbate what was already happening but ALSO blew away cabotage rules which made it possible for the shortages to be spread across the entire EU rather than "any one country" - meaning that international shipments/drivers have to run point-to-point now instead of doing drop-offs and pickups along the way. That means even fewer drivers want to cross the Channel

In another 2-3 years the supply of drivers would have forced wage increases anyway, but in another 2-3 years there would have been more new ones coming through as well. Right not there's a critical shortage in the UK _AND_ no replacements wanting to come in from anywhere to fill positions _AND_ nobody in training.

Perfect self-inflicted storm. Project Fear has become Project Here

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