Reply to post: Re: nostradamus totally totally predicited this would happen

We have some sad news about Facebook. It has returned to the internet after six-hour mega outage

heyrick Silver badge

Re: nostradamus totally totally predicited this would happen

You are oh so very close to the truth...

On a Windows 11 laptop, one uses Google to get to Facebook (because it's somehow easier to type Google and then search for Facebook than to remember a 12 letter URL).

A few months of Facebook activity, and one is in danger of qualifying as one of the aforementioned zombies.

The apocalypse happens when more people depend upon the services of a single corporate, than don't (I find it worrying how many people equated Facebook's failure as "the internet isn't working").

Given that it's been years and numerous stories about profiling people, pushing just their right buttons, screwing with democracy, and giving a platform to the terminally stupid to amass followers like sheep caught in a web of confirmation bias, I wonder if the apocalypse is already on its way?

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