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Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the BBC stage a very British coup to rescue our data from Facebook and friends

Binraider Silver badge

A news service that recommends stories based on what you have seen before isn't really news. It's positive reinforcement, and divisive. The 'bubble' is already a real phenomenon, be it republican/democrat, liberal/conservative, vaxx/antivaxx or a dozen other political lines.

A system propagating this, while it might offer a measure of control over your data, would still have the same problems.

Reporting fact is old hat it seems,though as far ago as the 1960s the rise of tabloid trash was the forerunner of the way news has (mostly) gone downhill. A quest for views/likes/comic sales as opposed to journalism. Some exceptions of course, thankfully. The world does not operate in black and white, yet reducing arguments to yes/no, for/against doesn't really do anyone a service

6000 years of writing but the species is as bad as ever. (Minus some positive tech progression).

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