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Netflix sued by South Korean ISP after Squid Game fans swell traffic to '1.2Tbps'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"People demand to pay peanuts for their broadband and then whine when they don't get a leased line level product. "

SKBroadband packages cost KRW 33,000 and upwards.

Netflix 4x UHD package costs KRW 14500

It's not unreasonable to expect SKBroadband to deliver streams that Netflix manages to deliver to them on half the money. SKBroadband also sell cable TV packages, and they manage to deliver those down the very same wire. They are not paid peanuts and it is not unreasonable for customers to stream movies on their internet connection!

Again, I ignored your childish comment and address the only substantive part I could find.

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