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Labour Party proposes raising UK Digital Services Tax (so Amazon can pass the hike on that, too?)

Loyal Commenter Silver badge

Absolutely this.

The fact that a lot of high-street chains seem to have abysmal, or no, offerings in the online world is a sign that they are failing to move with the times. This, along with private equity asset stripping, is their death knell, and the real reason that a bunch of them have gone to the wall in recent years. The pandemic just helped them on their way.

I mean, do you know anyone who has actually gone into Debenhams and bought anything in the last 10 years? Why bother going into town, and either paying to park, or getting the bus, then carrying home bags of shopping, when a few clicks of the mouse, or a swipe on your phone when you're sat on the throne, and those goods are with you the next day.

Shops that sell things that you need immediately, or that don't fare well being thrown around by A. N. Other Courier Ltd., or have a short shelf life, or need to be inspected / tried on before buying are faring well. My local shopping street still has greengrocers, butchers, etc. other businesses need to move with the times.

Understandably, some people need, or want, to go into a physical shop so there is still a market for them, but the footfall is lower, and the business rates (along with high rents) are one of the things that makes them uncompetitive.

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