Reply to post: Re: Stop educating the sheeple

Unpatched flaw 'weaponises' Apple AirTags to turn them into the phisherman's friend


Re: Stop educating the sheeple

The play store lists the Tile app as having between 5 and 10 million installs. Lets be generous and add double that maximum number as the iOS installs. Tile and it's partners have sold around 35 million devices. Again, lets be generous and say that no-one bought more than one tile and every single owner installed the app, which makes those numbers come close to equal. Of course, no tiles failed and no-one uninstalled the app, or failed to reinstall it on a replacement phone, and no one disabled BT or location access.

35 million iOS/Android devices available for Tile tracking.

Currently there are around 1 billion active iphones, plus a couple of hundred million ipads. Lets be generous and say that half the owners are security conscious Reg readers and have turned off BT and location access, or do not have mobile data enabled.

600 million iThings available for AirTag tracking.

I've skewed those numbers wildly in favor of the Tiles, but I was making a point.

Some references:

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