Reply to post: Re: Thanks to the Vaxxed

YouTube expands vaccine misinfo crackdown, nukes anti-vax channels for good

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Thanks to the Vaxxed

A vaccine preps your immune system to fight a disease. When you encounter an infection, your body already knows how to fight it. This can prevent you getting ill and dying. It can also prevent the disease taking hold and becoming infectious.

The primary function of the current COVID vaccines was to prevent people dying. It wasn't known if they would prevent people being infectious. Unfortunately, while it doesn't look like they can completely prevent this, they will reduce the viral load. This will limit how infectious you are and for how long. A large study of healthcare workers in Scotland showed that an unvaccinated person living with a vaccinated healthcare worker was at least 30% less likely to be infected than one who lived with an unvaccinated healthcare worker.

So while getting vaccinated won't eliminate the chances that you can pass on the virus it will make it less likely, as well as making it much less likely you will end up in hospital or mortuary. This is why mask wearing is still advised. If you do both, you are less likely to infect other people than if you just do one.

Possibly future iterations of the vaccines will be more effective at preventing infection. Until then, I will gladly take the current ones to make it much less likely I will get seriously ill.

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