Reply to post: Re: Did someone mention Google?

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Re: Did someone mention Google?

Something that came to light late last year: Google is now proactively editing information based on its preferred Messaging vs current political memes and its tagging of individuals.

The Great Barrington Declaration came out. The left wingers I read were all ranting about its evilness and stupidity and right wingness. (It's a simple statement of commonsense response to epidemiological reality re Covid's exponential risk profile vs age. But it does not require a vaccine, and that apparently is currently a left wing requirement for Virtue. Or something.) The right wingers I read all mentioned that it was nonexistent if they searched for it on Google -- not in their search results no matter how many pages they went down. I tried it myself: it was #2 on my search results on Google, but via Tor was #1. So apparently Google tags me personally as very slightly right of centre.

The point is: this is the OPPOSITE of how all these standard algorithms work. A right-wing-tagged story should have been ELEVATED for the right-wingers. That's how Google's bubble works, had always worked, on the principle of: more of the same, more of what you like. Passive heterodyning. Positive feedback. Now, they're proactively intruding on an activist basis. Negative feedback in the model for identified topics, and apparently asymmetric.

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