Reply to post: Re: Teasers...

US Congress ponders setting up permanent UFO investigation office

Anonymous Coward

Re: Teasers...

> ...are usually rich kids with nothing to do

Hey, I'll have you know that it's actually really hard work being a teaser and requires top-notch flying skills. I have to find some half-asleep US pilot, with plenty of fuel so he doesn't bail after a couple of minutes, de-cloak my ship in front of him and then anticipate his every move, flying fast and furious in front of him so that the radar blip of my ship appears absolutely static relative to him. And I can't even see his screen!

All those vids you've seen where the target 'UAP' stays exactly the same distance away no matter how much the pilot ducks and dives? Well, those aren't sensor malfunctions or software bugs, those are me trying to make you think you have a sensor malfunction.

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