Reply to post: Re: "two main reasons why the Royal Navy no longer uses [paper charts]"

We're all at sea: Navigation Royal Navy style – with plenty of IT but no GPS

hoola Silver badge

Re: "two main reasons why the Royal Navy no longer uses [paper charts]"

This is interesting and at so many level, GPS just makes people lazy. Skills are lost so that when there is a problem, they are totally stuffed.

You only have to see the people who just program a route into a SatNav and just blindly follow it. There is no context, they have no concept of what is between the start and finish point and the SatNav takes over any sensible decision making process.

A friend as a single engine light aircraft and although he does have GPS, he always has the physical map marked up with the waypoints and radio beacons. GPS does not stop you flying into a 1000ft radio mast or controlled airspace.

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