Reply to post: Re: why aren't they going to the ISS?

China's taikonauts return from heavenly palace after 92-day mission


Re: why aren't they going to the ISS?

Would you trust the US after what they did to Huawei? Arguably the best phone manufacturer on the planet until the good 'ol US of A decided to pull Google services and tell the rest of the world to rip out any Huawei 5G gear under the guise of National Security. No proof of any backdoors into their kit has ever been found, by the way...unlike CISCO.

The Chinese are sticking two fingers up at the US and even outclassing them in the space race. I love a good underdog story.

Dark side of the moon? Yeah, the Chinese are there.

Mars Rover? Yeah, they have one of those too.

Space station? Who needs the ISS? China has a nice shiny new one of those too.

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