Reply to post: Re: Douyin Bug Report #6489: Unforeseen consequences

Tick, tick, tick … TikTok China just limited kids to 40 minutes' use each day


Re: Douyin Bug Report #6489: Unforeseen consequences

These new restrictions on the young are very likely to be the downfall of communist party rule in China, but will also probably do wonders for the Chinese tech industry.

When the restrictions are too excessive, people will go looking for ways around them. This will create a generation who aren't afraid to defy the party and at least to some extent resent it. In ten or twenty years time there will be a huge number of people used to defying the communist party, no longer accepting they know best and wanting change. In such circumstances that change will be a question of when, not if.

The young will learn much from hacking around the restrictions and China will end up equipped with a generation who don't blindly follow the rules and are much better at innovating, rather than copying. This will give the Chinese tech industry a big leap forward.

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