Reply to post: Re: AI rights are property rights'

It's bizarre we're at a point where reports are written on how human rights trump AI rights

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: AI rights are property rights'

AI rights are not property rights. For one thing, there is currently no such thing as AI rights. By most definitions, AI rights would be the rights given to an artificial entity acting on its own, which likely requires consciousness. For now, we can skip the debate about whether sentience/sapience/consciousness (all different, not important) are possible in an artificial entity, because at least we know there isn't one now. Hence, it's more appropriate to describe them as AI regulations, or even better, regulations on the use of AI, or even better, regulations on the use of technology affecting the public, because some of this stuff doesn't use AI by either common definition. I think the headline writer was taking a few liberties to get to "AI rights".

Even in that case, the regulations on the use of something are not property rights--after all, I can own a hammer but be restricted from using it to break your windows. I can own a computer but be restricted from using it to hack yours. I can own a camera, but it's illegal to use it to stalk you. Hence, they are entirely different legal things and can be treated differently.

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