Reply to post: Re: Faulty parents

Tech widens the educational divide. And I should know – I'm a teacher in a pandemic

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Faulty parents

We already have a truancy/absence rules for the children. In this case I don't think there should be a difference between kids missing school days versus parents missing school days. As for funding, etc, there's already been lots of talk of reducing the amount of working hours from the standard 40 hour weeks anyway so here's a good input for what to do with those hours.

As for cirricula, I don't have a good answer for that, but given the massive amount of "public servants" I see in pretty much every country getting involved in education (whether it needs it or not) I doubt we don't have the manhours to spare for a project like this. We're not talking a full year of 5 days a week full time education. More of a short course on "how not to be a total knobhead to your kids and give them a fighting chance". You could probably fill a day already just with teachers of a school explaining to parents the lesson plan they wrote for that year and what lessons they will expect the kids to learn at what time.

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