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NYC subway SNAFU probably caused by someone turning it off accidentally, say reports

Stuart Castle Silver badge

Nearest I've been to this was being stuck in a lift packed with women when the power failed at work. My friends at work all said things along the lines of "Wahay" and "Get in!" and other stuff like that, and wondered why I hadn't got at least one phone number.

There was a very good reason I didn't get anyone's phone number. I spent the whole time (nearly 2 hours) trying to keep one of the women, who was both claustrophobic and scared of lifts (she'd only taken this one because she was running late and her friend persuaded her) calm, or at least stop her having a panic attack. That meant getting everyone in the lift to turn on the lights on their phones (whether backlights or flashes) so we could at least see each other (even the emergency lighting failed), speaking to the woman calmly, trying to take her mind off things. This wasn't easy, as I am crap at small talk. It certainly meant not hitting on her.

When I got out (thanks to our security staff using the winch attachment on the lift), I found out that some workman had been digging up the road, and drilled through the electricity main.

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