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Tech widens the educational divide. And I should know – I'm a teacher in a pandemic

imanidiot Silver badge

So, earnest questions based on this input:

Is it really the technology itself that is the problem, or the lack of access to that technology that means that some students have access to things other students do not? Given equal circumstances (all students have a laptop, broadband internet access for said laptop, electrical power and a place to set up at home to do the work) would the tech still have an unequal impact on those who have more trouble learning?

Personally I've never been a fan of "distance" communication anyway. I dislike phones, I absolutely detest one-on-one video conferencing/calls and meetings/conference calls through things like teams can f*ck right off imho. I can imagine for some kids (regardless of "socio-economic background") this "distance learning" just doesn't work at all. I doubt I'd have made it through school with the grades I did if I'd have had to deal with that even apart from all the other personal stuff that meant I finished with good grades instead of what might have been "cum laude".

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