Reply to post: History of Science Museum...

Vaccine dreams: A trip to Oxford to see a biscuit tin, some bed pans and ChAdOx1 nCov-19

keithpeter Silver badge

History of Science Museum... the old Ashmolean

They used to have Russell's moon pastel on the staircase on the way to the middle floor with the astrolabes.

There is a collection of early scientific instruments which underlines the importance of just measuring things in the early days (the point being to work out what to measure and how)

And a copy of John Dee's Holy Table reminds us that what we call science developed from magical thinking. Its the doing experiments in public and critical analysis of the results that differentiates science from e.g. alchemy. Sadly, we need to keep on defending the publication and criticism of results...

The Weston Library across the road (1940s building) has a large hall open to the public for just sitting and thinking (as well as exhibitions &c). Handy if the crowds are getting overpowering.

Nice article, keep them coming.

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