Reply to post: Re: Research shows the complainers are less intelligent

'This is the new normal,' Microsoft tells US workers: Work from home until further notice

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Research shows the complainers are less intelligent

You are wrong.

Here's a snippet. Read the full article here:

"It’s certainly not the case that the federal Constitution protects everything you feel like doing, whenever you feel like doing it."

"The words freedom and liberty have been invoked breathlessly in recent weeks to bolster the case for “reopening.” Protesters of state public safety measures readily locate in the Bill of Rights the varied and assorted freedom to not be masked, the freedom to have your toenails soaked and buffed, the freedom to open-carry weapons into the state capitol, the freedom to take your children to the polar bear cage, the freedom to worship even if it imperils public safety, and above all, the freedom to shoot the people who attempt to stop you from exercising such unenumerated but essential rights. Beyond a profound misunderstanding of the relationship between broad state police powers and federal constitutional rights in the midst of a deadly pandemic, this definition of freedom is perplexing, chiefly because it seems to assume not simply that other people should die for your individual liberties, but also that you have an affirmative right to harm, threaten, and even kill anyone who stands in the way of your exercising of the freedoms you demand."

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