Reply to post: Re Sloppy Thinking

Vaccine dreams: A trip to Oxford to see a biscuit tin, some bed pans and ChAdOx1 nCov-19

Keith Oborn

Re Sloppy Thinking

Err- 300,000,000 Americans!

As for pricing the cost to the patient is not the point, it's the cost to the provider.

Oxford/Jenner were determined to deliver a vaccine "at cost and at scale" and AZ was the only company prepared to do it. The others are done at commercial prices, so a dose of AZ going into an Indian or British arm cost the health provider about 4$. A dose of Pfizer or Moderna going into that arm would cost about $40. This really matters for most of the world.

Not wanting to denigrate the others, but Oxford and AZ have done the world a huge favour.

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