Reply to post: Re: Who did knew that

Banned: The 1,170 words you can't use with GitHub Copilot

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Who did knew that

Actually, "they" should know better than to anger programmers, many of whom are white-hat hackers, with a few grey hats as well. Github was (more or less) originally a place where people were FREE to put open source projects. Commercial-use support came afterwards, and I use it so it's a good thing.

HOWEVER, "angering the customer base" is a BAD thing. If I am right, and the people who originally *MADE* Github so popular are "Freedom Loving" hacker-types that *CRINGE* at even the *IDEA* of nanny-bots built into the service (and getting in the way of their FREEDOM), I think the results will be predictable.

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