Reply to post: Re: the global meat reduction plan you probably don't know about

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: the global meat reduction plan you probably don't know about

Vegan or vegetarian?

Very suspect anecdote if vegetarian. Milk covers anaemia. Eggs most certainly if they are lacto-ovo.

Certain cultures have been vegetarian for centuries without issue, most of their recipes incorporate butter, cream, yoghurt etc. Yoghurt and fermented foods in particular play an important role.

If vegan, I can believe your anecdote. Our bodies cannot be sustained on a natural vegan diet without man-made supplementation and food fortification. The vegan diet is also a recent experiment on the human species, similar to keto, low carb, meat only, etc. The long term effects remain unknown. Vegetables alone are not sufficiently nutritionally dense across what the human species requires, and are not in the right proportions for overall health (eg omega6 omega3 ratios)

Species that are vegan in the real world have very different guts, as well as different intestinal bacteria that compensate for these things. Humans do not have these, cannot sustain such intestinal flora and veganism compensates for this with chemical additives.

What is true is that modern humans are not eating enough vegetables/eating too much animal products. This is different from the vegan message of not eating meat at all.

The points about ethics in farming, minimising food waste etc are all valid, I absolutely hate it when American and UK TV shows throw food, especially fish and meat for "fun" and comedy gags, I find it profoundly disrespectful to the animal. It gave up its life to feed us, not to entertain.

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