Reply to post: Re: Not asking the right people

NSA: We 'don't know when or even if' a quantum computer will ever be able to break today's public-key encryption

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Not asking the right people

That is exactly what I have always thought of Heisberg indeterminación principle. When nature repeats patterns every where O never understood the acceptance of approximate theory like quantum particles science as a core science replacing entirely pure physics of understanding nature. Tto me quantum physics is no different from mass manufacturing quality control study because you can not inspect every one of the produced items. Even the celebrated DeBrrolie dual wave particle properties including its associated verifyble experiments must have their explaination if we really understood at subparticle level all what is involved. O always though giants that would live under water and notice a difracción of traveling water wave similar to wave particle experiments would also have concluded water it self is as we now it is of quantic nature and that quantic nature is visible to them. This is the level human understanding of the current quantum state of the subatomic world. Test it is a quasi cult and I believe Einestain was not wrong in protesting to find spooky action at distance. I may have issue in understanding on the need to reduce just to geometry of space time to explain gravity as he proposed it but I am pretty inclined to have the same view on his doubts about the quantum world view.

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