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Logitech Bolt devices support secure Bluetooth Low Energy – but forget the 'Unifying Receiver'

The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

Dumpster Diving

I have a number of Logitech culled mice from the disposal route*, with UNR's (I know right & re-paired as needed via the software) & also picked up 3 K850's from a Govt disposal location. Really handy as those KB's will sync to one of three paired UNR's.

So this isn't likely to impact me for some time, but it really is a right PITA, that in the event I might have to buy new kit to have something that's not going to work with the rest of my salvaged stuff.

*Actually kinda pissed that I let a M215 & UNR slip through my fingers for $1 in a thrift store the other week.

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