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Rumors of satellite-comms-capable iPhone abound. The truth could be rather boring

doublelayer Silver badge

No, that wouldn't work. The authoritarian governments would require that satellite comms companies disclose customer information to them in compliance with local laws. If the company refuses to do that, the government bans payments to them. Only those few with bank accounts outside the country or who manage to exchange cash for service through someone who does can use the service. Because so few can use the service, the phones aren't widely sold in the country.

If the government wants to go further, they require that any phone with the feature is locked down to the satellite providers which comply or ban them outright. Buying or possessing one which doesn't comply with that regulation becomes a crime. Detecting those who have them can be done with a cheap radio surveillance device. Satellite may work everywhere, but it doesn't prevent dictators from dictating.

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