Reply to post: Re: Watchdog 'disappointed'

Watchdog 'disappointed' it took NHS England over a year to release details of access to Palantir COVID-19 data store

captain veg Silver badge

Re: Watchdog 'disappointed'

Good grief, you really are living in your own imagination.

> Regulation being cut down, not being part of the EU vaccination fiasco nor the covid bailout. Negotiating good trade deals to reduce costs on the population.

Not a single regulation has been "cut down". On the contrary, the UK has found itself obliged to construct a whole separate regulatory structure which does nothing more than reproduce that of the EU. It could hardly be otherwise. Most of the world, especially the parts that UK businesses export to, require compliance with EU regulation. It's just that now they don't recognise the UK's, even though it's the same.

I suspect that you are the last person on earth trumpeting vaccination as some kind of Brexit win. It's just bollocks, and you know it.

> they [sic] UK unilaterally didnt [sic] impose idiotic checks demanded by the EU

Demanded by WTC, nothing to do with EU.

> Who's [sic] red tape? And if its [sic] so bad why would we want to impose it?

That's what "taking back control" means. Didn't you read the programme? Probably not, since English is clearly a foreign language to you.

> Your [sic] kidding? Please tell me your [sic] kidding. The EU is broke.

Sure. You people have been claiming this for at least 30 years. It isn't. You're wrong. Accept it.


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