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Samsung: We will remotely brick smart TVs looted from our warehouse

Lord Elpuss Silver badge

At least you have the good grace to write facetiously. Samsung's initial email back to me was flippant, disrespectful, and - from a legal perspective - risky.

"Hi! (smiley face emoji) It is not possible to completely disable these ads. The personalized ads should actually benefit the total user experience. I am sorry that you feel differently. All the best! ^Theresa"

By the way from a 'let's have some fun with this' perspective, I'm working with a notary public at the moment on an unrelated matter; I looked up the names of Samsung's in-house counsel here (on LinkedIn, natch) and managed to convince my notary to write a legal letter to Samsung on my behalf. She's not allowed to actually progress anything legally and will only write a "My client has instructed me" letter stating my case, but my sincere hope is that it puts enough of the shits up them to wipe the 'smiley' bit off their response and actually consider I might just be pissed off enough to do something about it.

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