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Epic lawsuit's latest claims: Google slipped tons of cash to game devs, Android makers to cement Play store dominance

heyrick Silver badge

People generally just want a device that "does stuff" and they don't really care about what goes on behind the scenes. You and I might understand sideloading and what apk means, but I'd imagine the majority of people at work who use their phones for What's App and Instagram won't have any idea what those things even mean.

We're talking about an environment where even Microsoft failed to make an appreciable dent, because with the two behemoths able to sling vast amounts of money around and make notably better deals for those who stay faithful to The One True Way (thus cutting out competition via the back door), it's damned near impossible to be a useful third platform. Perhaps in places like China and India where people's needs are different and the lack of Google Play less of an issue, but in the West, they're the big two. And pretty much the only two. And, surprise! Dirty tricks and dirtier deals. If I try really hard I might be able to pretend I didn't see it coming. Something else I don't see - viable alternatives.

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