Reply to post: Re: In 2020 alone we released over 300 new capabilities including ... raise hand

Microsoft, flush with cash, raises cloud office suite prices for businesses

Sandtitz Silver badge

Re: In 2020 alone we released over 300 new capabilities including ... raise hand

"Are people really having video meetings and doing 3 finger keyboard salutes to "raise their hand", rather than perhaps actually hoisting that thing on the end of their arms in front of the camera? What's next? Yawn? Scratch Arse?"

No. You can press the corresponding button as well.

Hand raising is pretty useless in small meetings. But when you're holding large meetings or e.g. giving a lecture, you would/could not watch every single webcam feed out there. Most people don't even use a webcam for several reasons. I'm often driving a car while on a meeting; or I just can't be bothered with showing my mug.

Perhaps you should think beyond your daily Skype chat with mommy.

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