Reply to post: Re: 5G?, Decent 4G and Voice Would be nice In Hertfordshire

China passes half a billion 5G subscriptions and adds at least 190k new 5G base stations in six months


Re: 5G?, Decent 4G and Voice Would be nice In Hertfordshire

Quote: "Ask them how long downloading of a 100 megabyte video will take on a 100 Mb/s link."

Wrong question really, not surprised people can't answer it. i.e. How relevant is that question to most users? I can't imagine many people download video files these days (except perhaps pirates etc).

The vast majority of people stream video these days, and if you go check FAQs for places like Netflix, Prime, YouTube, iPlayer etc, to find out if your broadband or mobile speed is fast enough, all of them will quote the required speed in mega bits not bytes.

Providing internet speeds in mega bytes would be fairly useless for I'd say the vast majority of users. as no one really uses mega bytes as a measure of speed.

Do you also suggest Ethernet and other network technologies also change from bits to bytes? As they all really need to use a single consistent measuring system for speed, otherwise you're going to have to start converting between one and the other when you purchase things like a new hub, router etc.

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