Reply to post: Re: Common sense and responsibility

Senators urge US trade watchdog to look into whether Tesla may just be over-egging its Autopilot, FSD pudding


Re: Common sense and responsibility

You can die in 15 seconds. I recently purchased a new Acura MDX that has a lane keeping feature and it works pretty well, until it doesn't. It shows a display of a left and right lane marker which is lit when it sees them and unlit when it loses 'lock' on the lane. At that point, it can and usually will head straight ahead as the road curves and this happens very fast.

This can be stressful as I realized that in this mode I really am a safety driver and I have to participate in the driving. I cannot take my eyes off the road for more than a couple seconds or I'm at risk. Now I have it dialed in and only use it on the freeways at speed with moderate curves and it does better.

I've driven several Teslas over the last year and I'd guess their lane keeping/self driving is second to none and probably loses lane lock a lot less than my car, but anybody who is lulled into thinking they can take their hands off the wheel and not engage with the driving is rolling the dice.

I think in this regard the Tesla system is almost too good and people put too much stock into it's reliability, like the guy who was playing a video game when the car slammed into a truck.

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