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Blue Origin sues NASA for awarding SpaceX $3bn contract to land next American boots on the Moon


I saw that infographic last week, of all the FUD on it (and it is entirely FUD) the best part is about "a launch vehicle that has never flown and is still being designed." Starship has actually flown, not to orbit but then nothing BO has ever flown has gone to orbit. SpaceX have flown many cargo and person missions to the ISS and put hundreds (thousands?) of satellites in orbit, meanwhile BO has flown their boss into space for 10 minutes. They have never even achieved orbit. And, while SpaceX churn out prototype after prototype Starship in Texas, BO can't manage to build an engine for ULA and their HLS entry is pure PowerPoint.

I hope this suit costs Bezos a very large sum of money. He is bound to lose.

Something smells, I think it's Jeff's BO.

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