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Russia: Forget about the Nauka incident. Who punched the hole in the Soyuz, hmm?

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

We don't need to re-absorb the excess up to 2080. As we start to get inflation, the central banks can just start selling their government debt back to the markets to re-absorb the excess liquidity. Then they simply press the buttons on their computers to cancel the money they printed to buy them and Bob's your uncle. It's literally that easy. That is how QE was designed to operate from the start! It's also the reason it's not the same as money printing, and anyone who says it is, simply doesn't understand what they're talking about. I suppose it's perfecly fine to call it money printing as a shorthand, but as soon as you start to use that to make an ecomomic point - you're merely demonstrating your ignorance.

The Fed were even doing this, before Covid came along.

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