Reply to post: Re: go beyond street lighting by incorporating sensors that can receive and transmit information

Before I agree to let your app track me everywhere, I want something 'special' in return (winks)…

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: go beyond street lighting by incorporating sensors that can receive and transmit information

> turned off to reduce the carbon footprint

Carbon footprint being an accounting problem, it can and will be solved by some simple creative accounting, like buying "carbon points" from someone who didn't need them all. It has worked like that for years and is a perfectly streamlined system by now, allowing people to make big money and still pollute as much as they want.

As for street lamps, they aren't there to give light, but to reassure the registered voters that there aren't bad people hiding in the shadows. So there is no chance they will be turned off, at best they might be coupled to presence detectors so they might dim off on empty streets (and even that is questionable, since residents will hate the all-night light show on windy days, or when wildlife passes through to check the garbage cans).

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