Reply to post: Re: Lets do the maths

Wireless powersats promise clean, permanent, abundant energy. Sound familiar?


Re: Lets do the maths

I'v been saying it for decades: nukes are the greenest form of power we'll have this side of the next Millennium.

Sure, fusion would be marvellous but fusion is fifty years away according to those working in the research and it has been fifty years away for seventy-odd years. Fusion will *always* be fifty years away.

Meanwhile, nukes are cheap, easy to build, maintain and run if done properly, safe, clean and have fuel enough to run our kit for centuries at least, longer if we ever mine asteroids and Mercury.

Sure, we've had a couple of bad accidents with nuclear plants but those were never the fault of the technologies. One was badly situated and the other was poor management. Overall, nukes have been tremendously safe for fifty years and more.

And the problem with spent fuel rods has an obvious solution: radioactive shit emits energy, so use the energy. Eventually, all nuclear stuff decays to stable isotopes. Nuclear power plants encourage this, accelerate it, makes radioactive stuff safer, faster.

It's *green* power. Nuclear power makes the universe safer, forever.

Nukes are protecting the fluffy bunnies.

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