Reply to post: Re: A long way still to go

COVID-19 cases surge as do sales of fake vaccination cards – around $100 for something you could get free

jmch Silver badge

Re: A long way still to go

"There is only one way to do this for a virus your body never met, it is called vaccination"

No, you are completely wrong there. The immune system has 2 distinct parts (OK, oversimplified) -

1 - recognises as threats any new / unknown bugs, and fights them off with quick-response 'light infantry', while building targeting systems to be able to target the invader with heavy artillery

2(a) - recognises previously encountered known bugs

2(b)- quickly and easily fight off previously encountered known bugs by being able to immediately deploy the 'big guns'.

2(a) can be achieved through previously having fought off the same bug, not only from vaccination.

However vaccination (or even previous infection) just helps your body recognise and mobilise. If the whole of your immune system is generally weak, vaccination will not make it stronger. (as an analogy, vaccination or previous infection allows you to specifically target invaders with heavy weaponry without leaving much side-effects on your body, but does nothing for your ability to produce the heavy weaponry to fight off known targets, nor on your ability to produce 'light infantry' to deal with new unknown targets)

It's well known that sedentary lifestyle, modern western diet, many forms of pollution / toxic materials etc can depress the effectiveness of the immune system, while people who exercise regularly, sleep well and eat healtily have a strong immune system.

Relying on vaccination to have a strong immune system is like having an army relying on scouts and spy satellites - very useful to have but not much use on their own if you don't have the arsenal to back it up.

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