Reply to post: Re: Maybe not.

The web was done right the first time. An ancient 3D banana shows Microsoft does a lot right, too

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Maybe not.

You all seem to have missed the point I made about requirements. If you need to chop down 100 trees in a day, then your axe will never be sufficient. It is obsolete. If you only need to chop down 5, then your Axe is perfectly fine and it is not obsolete.

As with Software, if you have an air gapped system, and you dont need to be connected to the internet, then the old software is fine and NOT obsolete. However, if you need an internet facing portal, you need security, and if you're old program has an attack surface, then sorry it is unlikely to be secure, and if your requirement demands security, then assuming there is a newer program that is more secure, then the old is obsolete.

Obsolescence is determined by requirements. If all you want to do is potter around town then a Model T Ford works fine and is clearly not obsolete. However, if you need to travel 500km on a single tank of petrol, with Air-Conditioning and space for 4 people and their luggage. Then a Model T is obsolete for your purpose. (Although I was suprised to read that a Model T could do about 200km on a single tank of petrol, which I think was pretty impressive!).

Things can still work and be obsolete, and what one person considers obsolete, the next might not because it still meets their requirements.

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